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Grand Master Ki. C. Yoon is the founder of Hap Ki Moo Do and is the president of Kum Moo Kwan association which currently consists of over 110 martial studios world wide. Grand Master Ki has worked as a trainer and as a judge for the Korean presidential bodyguard program from 1974-1981. He also trained the Korean military commandos 1195Co.-5698 Co to the black belt level from 1975 - 1981. During 1973 to 1981, he was a member of and head defensive/ offensive instructor for the Seoul Korea West Police. Grand Master Ki is certified in acupressure, acupuncture and corrective exercises as well.

Since December 16, 1981, Grand Master Ki C. Yoon has set his roots in Calgary and has been teaching and practicing the art of Hap Ki Moo Do in Calgary for over 30 years. He studied with the modern Great Grand Master of Hap Ki Do, Choi Young Sul who learned the secret art of Hap Ki Do from Buddhist monks in the Mountains of Korea since Great Grand Master Choi was nine years old.

In describing the art of the Hap Ki Do, Grand Master Ki emphasizes that self-defense techniques are just one aspect of Hap Ki Do. Most importantly, is the education of the mind. "In Kyon Malsa," in Korean this means a good knowledge of one's knowledge of martial arts.